[Originally posted on tumblr on 23. August 2012]
I started reading “Gifts” by Ursula K. Le Guin and asldfkajdf why is everything she writes so addictive?
Orrec is so awwwwww.
Poor guy.
I hope he ends up in a better situation. Or something like that.
(Also, what’s up with Emmon? If he actually had a clue about the ‘gifts’ he would sound like he had a death wish or something…)
[Originally posted on tumblr on 31. August 2013]
Oh, why is every book of the ‘Annals of the Western Shore' series this tragic?
I can’t … anymore. D:
But I have to keep on reading and at the same time I fear the end of the book because the third is the last (so far?).
Oh this beautiful pain.